Meet the Team!
The SAAA Staff is here to serve!
Staff Mission Statement
The SAAA staff is a group of committed, flexible, forward thinking, and unified professionals dedicated to our members who rely on our guidance and direction to further the success of the multifamily housing industry. Customer service is a top priority, setting the example for the association to remain community driven, connected to current events and boldly dedicated to our mission statement.
SAAA Staff Team
Executive Director San Antonio Apartment Association, Inc.Executive Director
Director of Programs, Events & Education San Antonio Apartment Association, Inc.Director of Programs, Events & Education
Director of Business Development San Antonio Apartment Association, Inc.Director of Business Development
Director of Communications & Marketing San Antonio Apartment Association, Inc. (210)692-7797Director of Communications & Marketing
Government Relations Manager San Antonio Apartment Association, Inc. (210)692-7797Government Relations Manager
Finance Manager San Antonio Apartment Association, Inc.Finance Manager
Executive Assistant/Office Manager San Antonio Apartment Association, Inc.Executive Assistant/Office Manager